Saturday 6 February 2016



1.   A jogger running at 9 kmph alongside a railway track in 240 meters ahead of the engine of a 120 meters long train running at 45 kmph in the same direction. In how much time will the train pass the jogger?
            (a)  3.6 sec (b) 18 sec --(c) 36 sec   (d) 72 sec

2.   If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days, the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys in doing the same type of work will be:
           --- (a)  4 days         (b) 6 days (c) 5 days (d) 7 days  

3.   A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of other variety at Rs. 36 per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. His profit percent is:
            (a) No profit, no loss   -- (b) 5%     (c) 8%   (d) 10%    

4.   A person's present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will be one-half of the age of his mother. How old is the mother at present?
           -- (a) 32 years       (b) 36 years          (c) 40 years   (d) 48 years

5.   A pupil's marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to that, the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is:

            (a) 10         (b) 20 ---(c) 40   (d)  73

6.   In a group of 6 boys and 4 girls, four children are to be selected. In how many different ways can they be selected such that at least one boy should be there?
             (a) 159     (b) 194 (c) 205 -(d) 209  

7.   Three numbers which are co-prime to each other are such that the product of the first two is 551 and that of the last two is 1073. The sum of the three numbers is:

(a) 75         (b) 81 -(c) 85   (d)  89

8.   A milk vendor has 2 cans of milk. The first contains 25% water and the rest milk. The second contains 50% water. How much milk should he mix from each of the containers so as to get 12 litres of milk such that the ratio of water to milk is 3: 5?
            (a) 4 litres, 8 litres          - (b) 6 litres, 6 litres           (c) 5 litres, 7 litres          (d) 7 litres, 5 litres                  

9.   Sakshi invests a part of Rs. 12,000 in 12% stocks at Rs. 120 and the remainder in 15% stock at Rs. 125. If his total dividend per annum is Rs. 1360, how much does he invest in 12% stock at Rs. 120?

           - (a) Rs. 4000          (b) Rs. 4500   (c) Rs. 5500 (d) Rs. 6000

10. How much does a watch lose per day, if its hands coincide every 64 minutes?

             -(a) 32  8/11  min   (b) 36  5/11 min   (c) 90 min   (d) 96 min  

11. If 6th March 2005 is Monday, what was the day of the week on 6th March, 2004?

           -(a)  Sunday               (b) Saturday       (c) Tuesday (d)Wednesday  

12. Choose the figure which best fits the question mark.

          (a)   1                  (b) 2                -(c) 3             (d) 4            

13. Which number replaces the question mark?

         (a) 6                  (b) 10            -(c) 8           (d) 9            

14. I participated in a race. 1/5th of those before me are equal to 5/6th of those behind me. What are the minimum number of contestants in the race?

            (a) 31                (b ) 62   (c) 24   -(d)  32    

15.  In an examination Mr. X got a third of the answers wrong. In the same examination Mr. Y got 5 of them wrong. Between both of them they answered three quarters of the questions right. How many questions did Mr. X answer correctly?

           (a) 30                 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d)  25                


Section – II  (LOGIC)

16. The question consists of six statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order.  Choose the option which indicates a valid argument that is when the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements
     A. Some parrots are owls.
     B. All Birds are Dolls.
     C. No Doll is Monkey.
     D. All Owls are Monkeys.
     E. Some Dolls are Birds.
     F. Some Monkeys are Parrots.

(a) AFB (b) BCD (c)  BEF -(d) DAF          

17.    In a certain language “I AM FINE” is coded as “123” and “HE IS FINE” is coded as “345” and “I AM THANKFUL” is coded as “127” then how is “FINE IS THANKFUL”coded as:

(a) 732 (b) 123 -(c) 347         (d) Indeterminate

18.     The question has a main statement followed by the statement labeled A, B, C, D.
          Choose the ordered pair of statements where the first statement implies the two and the two are logically consistent with the main statement.

            When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

A.   The tough are not going. B.  The going is not all that tough.
C.   We are going through difficult times. D.It is time for us to get tough.

---(a)  AB (b) BA (c) CD (d) DC  

Find the missing number in the following series:

19.         5, 11,  23,  47,  95 ,  __

          - (a) 191   (b) 161   (c) 181   (d) 196              

20.        6, 25, 62, 123 ___

(a) 314 (b) 196   (c) 148   -(d) 214

 Refer to the data given below and answer the questions 21, 22 and 23 given below:

There are seven people P, Q, R, S, T, U and V occupying six floors of a building.  The following are the conditions applied.

I. P is on a floor immediately below Q and above T
II. U who is on the fifth floor has three floors in between himself and R
III. V shares a floor and is one floor above P.

21.    Who occupies the sixth floor?
-(a) S   (b)  R   (c) Q   (d) T  

22.     V shares his floor with _____
           (a) P   (b)  T   (c) R   -(d) U  

23.     R is on which floor?
(a) 2   (b) 3   -(c) 1   (d) 6

24.   If x is less than zero, y lies between 0 & 1, and z is greater than 1, which of the following
        is false?

(a) (x2 – z2) has to be positive   (b)  yz can be less than one  
(c)         xy can never be zero   (d)  (y2 – z2) is always negative.
Answer the questions 25 and 26 on the basis of the information given below:

            Five good friends meet everyday at Samrat Restaurant for a breakfast comprising of idli-vada.   Each consumes a different number of idlis and vadas.  The number of idlis consumed are 1,4,5,6 and 8 while the number of vadas consumed are 0,1,2,4 and 6.  Below are some of more facts about who eats what and how much.

(i) The number of vadas eaten by Itesh is three times the number of vadas consumed by the
             person who eats four idlis.
(ii) Three persons, including the one who eats four vadas, eat without sauce.
(iii) Sandesh does not take any sauce.
(iv) The one who eats one idli a day does not eat any vadas or sauce.  Further, he is not
(v) Devendar eats idli with sauce and also eats vada.
(vi) Mahesh, who does not take sauce, eats half as many vadas as the person who eats twice
            as many idlis as he does.
(vii) Bheemesh eats two more idlis than Itesh, but Itesh eats two more vadas than Bheemesh.

25.   Which one of the following statements is true?

   (a) Devendar eats 5 idlis     (b) Itesh eats 8 idlis  
   (c) Bheemesh eats 1 idli.     (d) Bheemesh eats 6 idlis.  

 26. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Mukesh eats 8 idlis and 4 vadas but no sauce.
(b) The person who eats 5 idlis and 1 vada does not take sauce.
(c) The person who eats equal number of vadas and idlis also takes sauce.
(d) The person who eats 4 idlis and 2 vadas also takes sauce.

27.   If n = 1 + x, where x is the product of four consecutive positive integers, then which of
        the following is / are true?

A.     n is odd                          B.      n is prime                  C.    n is a perfect square

           - (a) A& C only     (b) A & B only   (c) A only     (d) None of these.

Answer questions 28 and 29 based on the following information.

            Seven University cricket players are to be honoured at a special luncheon.  The players will be seated on the dais along one side of single rectangular table.

(i) A & G have to leave the luncheon early and must be seated at the extreme right end of the table,
            which is closest to the exit.
(ii) B will receive the Man of the Match award and must be in the centre chair.
(iii) C and D who are bitter rivals for the position of wicketkeeper, dislike one another and should be
            seated as far apart as possible.
(iv) E & F are best friends and want to sit together.

28.   Which of the following may not be seated at either end of the table.
            -(a) C   (b) D   (c) G (d) F

 29.   Which of the following pairs may not be seated together?
(a) C & F   (b) B & D   -(c) E & A (d) G & D      

 30.  What will be the daughter of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my mother be
         to me?

(a) grand-daughter   (b) mother -(c) aunt   (d) daughter  


31.  Subtraction of 10010112 from 1110012 gives

       (a) 001110     (b)  001100     (c) 110011   (d) 001101

32.   One BAUD is defined as:

         (a) 1 byte/sec   (b) 1 gigabyte/sec    -  (c)  1 bit / sec (d) None of these
33. The language used for Network Programming is:
        (a) C++ (b) Java       (c) C (d) Pascal

34   In Binary coded decimal format, each decimal digit is encoded by:
(a) 3 bits (b) 4 bits (c) 6 bits -(d) 8 bits

35. Hexadecimal equivalent of 725.63 to base 8 is:
(a) A13.B6 (b) 1D5.CC (c) 3DA.BB -(d) None of these

36. A server in LAN is

         -(a) Device offering service to users (b) Supervisor
         (c) Main Workstation (d) None of these                                                                      

37  NAND, NOR and XOR are:
          (a) Primary Gates                                               (b) Secondary Gates
          (c) Invert Gates           (d) None of these.

38  Which of the following is true:

      -  (a) A.A’= 1 (b)A+A’= A           (c)A’+B’=(AB)’ (d)A’A’=A.

39.  A source program is:

      --  (a) Written in high-level language (b) Written in low-level language
        (c) Written in assembly language (d) None of the above.

40   A device to connect two types of networks  is known as:

(a) Router --(b)Bridge                (c) Gateway (d) None of these

41  One Tera byte = 1,024 ?

(a) --Gigabytes (b) Megabyte                     (c) Kilobyte   (d) None of these

42.  The decimal equivalent of the Binary number 1101.1 is:

(a) 12.5   (b) 31.5   (c) 15.3       (d) 13.5

43  Decimal equivalent of 614.15 to base 7 is:

(a) 305.24486         (b) 315.24486     (c) 305.28846     (d) 315.28846

44   16’s complement of (A8C)16 is

      (a)547     ( b) 647     (c) 574   (d) 578

 45.  In a circuit with resistance 10 kilo-ohms, if the applied voltage is 20 mV, then the current is

      (a)2 micro-amps                (b) 2 amps                             --(c) 2 milli-amps         (d) none of these



        Select the choice that comes closest in meaning to the word given in the question

46.  Vociferous
       (a) embody   (b) silent   -(c) noisy   (d) feral

47.  Ambiguous
       (a) Certain                 (b) clear   (c) definite --(d) questionable  

  Directions for Questions 48 & 49.   Choose the word / pair of words which best expresses the relationship similar to  that expressed in the capitalized pair:

48.      DESTITUTION : MONEY:: ?
           (a) budget:options      (b) sobriety:inebriation (c)  opulence:wealth --(d) deficit:finance
49.     FOOD : GOURMET :: ?
          (a) book : critic      (b) art : Connoisseur                 --- (c) Sports : Fan     (d) Craft : Skill
50     FORGERY : FABRICATION  ::  Counterfeit:_______
         (a) Smuggling     (b) Deceit                    (c) Falsity ----(d) Designed

51.   A number of sentences are given below which, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph.  Each sentence is labeled with a letter.  Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the four given choices to construct a coherent paragraph:

A.  All levels of demand,  whether individual, aggregate, local, national, or international are subject to
B.  At the same time science and technology add new dimensions to products, their uses and the
      methods used to market them.
C.  Aggregate demand fluctuates with changes in the level of business activity, GNP, and national
D.  The demand of individuals tend to vary with changing need and rising income.

(a) CBDA   --(b) DCAB   (c) BCAD     (d) ADCB

Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate option in questions 52 to 54.

52.  Paradoxically, the more   the details this artist chooses, the better able she is to depict her fantastic, other worldly landscapes.
(a)  ethereal   --(b)  realistic   (c) fanciful   (d) extravagant  

53.  Normally an individual thunderstorm lasts about 45 minutes, but under certain conditions, the storm may
  , becoming ever more severe, for as long as four hours.

(a)  Wane                   --(b) moderate               (c) persist                    (d) vacillate              

 54.   Though one eye is kept firmly on the _________ , the company now also promotes __________
                   contemporary art.
(a) Present, experimental   (b) future, popular   (c) present, popular   --(d) market, popular.

           Read the passage below and answer the questions 55 to 60 that follow:
           Until recently most astronomers believed that the space between the galaxies in our universe was a near-perfect vacuum. This orthodox view of the universe is now being challenged by astronomers who believe that a heavy “rain” of gas is falling into many galaxies from the supposedly empty space around them. The gas apparently condenses into a collection of small stars, each a little larger than the planet Jupiter. These stars vastly outnumber the other stars in a given galaxy. The amount of “intergalactic rainfall” into some of these galaxies has been enough to double their mass in the time since they formed. Scientists have begun to suspect that this intergalactic gas is probably a mixture of gases left over from the “big bang” when the galaxies were formed and gas was forced out of galaxies by supernova explosions.
            It is well known that when gas is cooled at a constant pressure its volume decreases. Thus, the physicist Fabian reasoned that as intergalactic gas cools, the cooler gas shrinks inward toward the center of the galaxy. Meanwhile its place is taken by hotter intergalactic gas from farther out on the edge of the galaxy, which cools as it is compressed and flows into the galaxy. The net result is a continuous flow of gas, starting as hot gases in intergalactic space and ending as a drizzle of cool gas called a “cooling flow,” falling into the central galaxy.
           A fairly heretical idea in the 1970’s, the cooling-flow theory gained support when Fabian observed a cluster of galaxies in  the constellation Perseus and found the central galaxy, NGC 1275, to be a strange-looking object with irregular, thin strands of gas radiating from it. According to previous speculation, these strands were gases that had been blown out by an explosion in the galaxy. Fabian, however, disagreed. Because the strands of gas radiating from NGC 1275 are visible in optical photographs, Fabian suggested that such strands consisted not of gas blown out of the galaxy but of cooling flows of gas streaming inward. He noted that the wavelengths of the radiation emitted by a gas would changes as the gas cooled, so that as the gas flowed into the galaxy and became cooler, it would emit not x- rays,  but visible  light,  like that  which was captured in  the  photographs.  Fabian’s  hypothesis was  supported  by Canizares’ determination in 1982 that most of the gas in the Perseus cluster was at a  temperature of 80 million degrees Kelvin, whereas the gas immediately surrounding NGC 1275 (the subject of the  photographs) was at one- tenth this temperature.

55.    The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) illustrate a hypothesis about the origin of galaxies
--(B) provide evidence to dispute an accepted theory about the evolution of galaxies
(C) summarize the state of and prospects for reseah in intergalactic astronomy
(D) report new data on the origins of intergalactic gas

56.   The author uses the phrase “orthodox view of the universe” (line 3) to refer to the belief that

--(A) the space between the galaxies is devoid of matter
(B) the space between galaxies is occupied by stars that cannot be detected by optical photographs
(C) galaxies have decreased in mass by half since their formation
(D) galaxies contain stars, each the size of Jupiter, which form clusters

57.   It can be inferred from the passage that, if Fabian is correct, gas in the peripheral regions of a galaxy cluster

(A) streams outward into intergalactic space
-- (B) is hotter than gas in the central regions of the galaxy
(C) is composed primarily of gas left over from the big bang
(D) results in the creation of unusually large stars

58.   The author of the passage probably mentions Canizares’ determination in order to

(A) clarify an ambiguity in Fabian’s research findings
(B) illustrate a generalization about the temperature of gas in a galaxy cluster
(C) introduce a new argument in support of the orthodox view of galaxies
--(D) provide support for Fabian’s assertions about the Perseus galaxies

59.   According to the passage, Fabian believes that gas flowing into a central galaxy has which of the following characteristics?

(A) It is one-tenth hotter than it was in the outer regions of the galaxy cluster.
--(B) It emits radiation with wavelengths that change as the gas moves toward the center of the galaxy. (C) The total amount of radiation emitted diminishes as the gas cools.
(D) It loses 90 percent of its energy as it moves to the center of the galaxy.

60.   According to the passage, Fabian’s theory makes use of which of the following principles?

(A) Gas emanating from an explosion will be hotter the more distant it is from the origin.
(B) The wavelength of radiation emitted by a gas as it cools remains constant.
--(C) If pressure remains constant, the volume of a gas will decrease as it is cooled.
(D) The volume of a gas will increase as the pressure increases.

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